Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hi, I'm Alita and I like books, and planning programs... let me be your librarian

I’ve been in the professional job hunt for a couple of years; I’ve been single a lot longer. I
bet you can guess where this is headed. I’ve realized that hunting for a job is way too close to internet dating for my tastes.

You read a description, feel a spark of interest. Write something carefully worded in response and send it. Wait for a response… and wait… and wait. Then after a certain amount of time you hear that they want to meet you or you don’t hear from them till much later after they found someone else.

You pick just the right outfit. You’re nervous so you show up a little early. You’ve brought questions to ask and expect to answer a bunch in return. You spend time with this person-getting to know the front that you show on a first date… trying to be as close to their perfect match as possible while trying to gauge if this is “the one for you.” You spend some time, you say, ”It was nice to meet you,” then part ways. Then you wait to see if they want to see you again.
And wait to see if you found “the one.”

Well, I haven’t decided about the job world yet, but I’m not going to keep putting on “the face” for future dates. I’m going to work at being my charming, funny, curious and sarcastic self. And I’m not going to keep seeing someone just because they seem to be interested in me. I’ve got varied interests, so we should be able to find something to talk about.

And just an FYI, if you don’t like Star Wars and Doctor Who, you won’t make the cut.

I don't interview well. I get nervous and blank out on the examples they want. Maybe I should stop trying to be what I think they are looking for and be what I really am: a librarian in need of a library...with a lot of quiet enthusiasm and a good sense of humor about life.

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