Saturday, October 26, 2013

The One

I'm a romantic. If you know me, you might not believe me because I'm also a realist. My guilty pleasure is romance novels. Because I usually, sneer, scoff and ask “WTF” through most of the story, I now just skip to the end... 

I used to think I'd find The One, get married and have a couple kids. I would also have the perfect job as a princess or pop singer and all of this by the time I turned 25... We all know these plans never work out. 

I never expected to meet and fall in love with the perfect man; just one perfect for me. Our eyes would meet across a crowded Con (or book store or library) and we would feel instantly drawn to each other. We would spend hours talking about the merits of our favorite Doctor and whether or not the latest Avengers/Star Trek/Star Wars/X-Men movies were really worth the price of admission, hang out playing video or board games or just read. My self esteem and body image issues wouldn't matter because he would have them too.

I have yet to meet and KNOW that I found The One-so I'm still looking; but not very hard. It is a tough time to be dating. Oh, don't worry- I could have all the dates and other stuff I want. I just don't want what's offered... I've tried online dating and found some really interesting people...

There was the guy who sent me an email to say that he really liked the answer to one of my questions and appreciated my honesty. There have been some that sent me emails to see about getting to know each other. Then there are the ones that boldly ask for what they really want.

I got an email from a guy with whom I had had no previous correspondence. All it said was “FWB?” I had to Google it. Apparently he was asking for no-strings sex- Friends With Benefits. I didn't answer him. Would it really be fwb if I had never met him before? NO, that would be a one-night-stand and a very good way to get robbed, have my liver or other organ harvested and left for dead or end up with a baby and no Baby Daddy. So, no thank you. 

When those well meaning relatives/co-workers/whoever asks why I'm still single I can say that being single is better than being left for dead in a seedy motel on 15 half way to Lexington just so I can hook up with a guy who MIGHT be The One. There is a reason it is called a HOOK up. Just saying.

I usually just say that “I haven't met anyone I want to spend that much time with.” Maybe I'll throw in an occasional “I haven't met anyone I like more than myself.”

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